Don’t Drink … Gamble!
September 23rd, 2020 by Isai

If you like to have a cocktail occasionally, keep your money at home if you set out to do your drinking in a casino. I am serious. Leave your handbag, your wallet, and leave all cash, plastic credit and checkbooks back at the hotel. Take only the money you anticipate to use on refreshments, tipping and few dollars you intend to throw away and keep the rest behind.

Cynical? Not by any means. Realistic more like. You may well experience a profit following a inebriated evening out with your comrades and be blessed sufficiently to hit a marathon roll at a hot craps table. Hang on to that account because it’s as brief as it gets if you consistently consume alcohol and gamble. These activities just do not go well together.

Keeping your moola out of the casino might be a little bit excessive, but preventative measures for drastic actions is compulsory. If you bet to profit, then don’t consume alcohol and gamble. If you can afford to blow your assets without a concern, then drink all the gratis alcohol you can handle, but don’t pack plastic credit and checks to toss into the mix of following losses after your befuddled head squanders all the cash!

Let me to carry this a single step more. Don’t drink and then hop on the net to bet in your preferred casino either. I enjoy a beverage from the coziness of my domicile, but due to the fact that I am hooked up through Neteller, Firepay and keep credit cards in close proximity, I can not drink alcohol and gamble.

Why? Even though I don’t drink to excess, when I drink alcohol, it is absolutely sufficient to cloud my better judgment. I bet, so I don’t drink alcohol when betting. If you are a drinker, don’t wager at the same time. The two mix up for an awful, and costly, cocktail.

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